Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 4 Page 1
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 4 Page 1
Another flashback! Questions will be answered and, in their place, there will be more questions! So what’s the big difference here? For those that know their Archie comics, Alicia is it. She originally doesn’t have any powers or skills. But now she does. Which means Sally does. But why? Maybe that mysterious person talking might have something to do with it.
Art: Kakashihata
Mobius Comics was created with the intent to bring back the characters and stories from the Archie comics but integrating elements from the games and other Sonic franchises. No matter what aspect of Sonic you’re familiar with, you’ll find things that are both familiar and new in this series. Another thing that will be the focus is consistent updates and putting out as much content as possible.
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Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 4 Page 1
That thing about controlling the energy of chaos, I thought it was a thing of the echidnas…
makes me have so many questions like:
where is sally’s brother? What is the job of the echidnas in this universe? whose voice is it? sally’s mom and sally are some kind of magic girls? Wouldn’t there be chaos powers of another color? it’s getting more and more exciting! X)
Yeaaaah that weird lime green color feels weird coming from a character whose scheme is all soft oranges and reds and deep blues. Maybe it’s green because it’s only skin deep? Excited to see what else Sally can do. Never saw her mum before.
The echidna’s job was to guard either the chaos emeralds or the seal of some evil form of chaos or whatever. I think they could wield it in a “select form”, but nothing like what Sally is apparently capable of. Makes me wonder if we’ll get to see Knuckles any time soon.
Heya it’s thursday where’s the update? 😀
There’s only comics on Sunday.
right 🙂