Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 5 Page 4
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 5 Page 4
Back to the present and we see a couple of pairs of lovebirds enjoying themselves. Because there’s more than just Sonic and Sally. I wanted to introduce Zooey before the gang went to Little Planet but doing so now ended up fitting much better. Also, Antoine is quite the cook. And the ladies love a man that can cook, especially one that’d impress Gordon Ramsey (who is a ram).
Art: WhiteSexyRabbit
Mobius Comics was created with the intent to bring back the characters and stories from the Archie comics but integrating elements from the games and other Sonic franchises. No matter what aspect of Sonic you’re familiar with, you’ll find things that are both familiar and new in this series. Another thing that will be the focus is consistent updates and putting out as much content as possible.
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Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 5 Page 4
So there will be no Tails and Mina?
Not right now.
I actually expected the Tails scene to end with him waking up lol. Nope, our boy has a girlfriend 🙂
Oh, and did you say Gordon Ramsay is in this universe? Yay!