Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 6 Page 12
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 6 Page 12
Now’s a good time to go over the many changes for this arc, mainly what was going on with Sally. I originally planned for Sally to be imprisoned but conscious on Wing Fortress and her power restricted. This was also when Tekno was planned to be a member of the Battle Bird Armada, conflicted about helping the sky pirates and falling for Sally (who would carefully turn her down and only because she was already dating Sonic). Sally would eventually escape on her own. Then the story was revised and she was to be unconscious during the entire thing. Then another revision happened and she somehow escaped. When she finally reappeared, it would be revealed that she was possessed by a mysterious force and drawn to the chaos emeralds. Those that know of the Sword of Acorns and its effect on Sally in the comics would’ve noticed a similarity. But that was scrapped and she just managed to escape when no one was looking.
Art: WhiteSexyRabbit
Mobius Comics was created with the intent to bring back the characters and stories from the Archie comics but integrating elements from the games and other Sonic franchises. No matter what aspect of Sonic you’re familiar with, you’ll find things that are both familiar and new in this series. Another thing that will be the focus is consistent updates and putting out as much content as possible.
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Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 6 Page 12
I gotta say, randomly switching between the two different art styles is very jarring. The other style has dynamic shading and looks like sonic comics and cartoons of old, to an extent. This style looks like it was pulled from the old Rugrats cartoon.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with either style, but the shift in styles affects the tone of the story. I highly recommend you pick one and try to stick to it. I definitely think the other style with the shading works better for this comic, though I like how Eggman looks in this weird callarts hybrid a little more.
The lack of the dynamic shading and the sideways mouths are what hurt the most, I think. It’s hard to take Sally seriously when I can’t stop noticing her lips have been transplanted to her right cheek.
If the style changes are due to different artists switching off, I’d recommend only changing artists between storylines, so each story has a consistent style, at least.