Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 4
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 4
It’s him! He’s here! And to be honest, earlier than initially planned! When I first came up with the starting roster for the Freedom Fighters, I wanted to keep it to five. And even then it’s tricky juggling that many characters. So Rotor had to be cut. He was always going to show up eventually but I was going to have him show up after the Sonic 3 & Knuckles arc and was going to use his reboot version because he would have brains and brawn at his disposal. All for the sake of keeping him as different from Tails as possible. But like I said, things change and he’s now more of a support character. Which means his original version is better suited.
Art: Kakashihata
Mobius Comics was created with the intent to bring back the characters and stories from the Archie comics but integrating elements from the games and other Sonic franchises. No matter what aspect of Sonic you’re familiar with, you’ll find things that are both familiar and new in this series. Another thing that will be the focus is consistent updates and putting out as much content as possible.
If you’d like to help support the series then you can on Patreon. Every dollar helps and is always appreciated. Patrons get pages a week early and at full resolution. Pledging more gets you more perks and that in turn helps in the creation of even more content such as illustrations and even more pages.
Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Issue 7 Page 4
The spelling you’re looking for is “Whose”, not “Who’s”. The former means “who owns” while the latter means “belongs to somebody named who”, and I think that versions is generally only appropriately used in that one ridiculous baseball joke. 😉
Lemme know if you guys need an editor. I’m available.
*version is, not versions. Stars help me, I’m typing on an unlit keyboard in the dark. 😛