Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 1 Page 15

Renfield T. Rodent is as shady as they come. And then there’s the Marxio Brothers. Don’t let their dopey, comedic appearance fool you. They’re just as trustworthy as Renfield. And here’s Charmy, the teenage bee member of the Chaotix!






Art: Tsubasakei

Knuckles the Echidna is the guardian of the Master Emerald as well as protector of Angel Island. Not only is it his home but it’s also home to various other mobians. Some good and some bad. He’ll have his hands full protecting the former from the latter. Everyone wants something and Knuckles would prefer some peace and quiet. Thankfully, he’s got the Chaotix, a group of his friends, to watch his back. If you want the next page now, you can become a patron and help support the comic. Even $1 can go a long way. The more people supporting the comics, the more that can be made.

Knuckles and the Chaotix Issue 1 Page 15

Sonic and the Freedom Fighters Comic